- DOC ID#: 3031316
- Name: Destiny Mcclannahan-Ricketts
- Current Status: Probation
- Last Status Change: Wednesday, September 8, 2021
- Gender: Female
- Information Current As Of: Saturday, February 26, 2022
- Probation:
- Butte Probation And Parole
- 107 East Granite Street
- Butte, MT 59701
- (406) 723-8911
Physical And Demographic Characteristics
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Blue
- Height: 5 FT 7 IN
- Weight: 272 lbs
- Build: Stocky
- Race: Native American
- Skin Tone: Light
- L/R Handed: Right
- Year Of Birth: 1993
- Birthplace: Montana
- Citizenship: United States
- MT Resident: Y
Also Known As